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stella taousiani 1.png

Stella is a Greek-Cypriot designer with a background in Architecture and Urban Design. In 2018 she graduated from Central Saint Martins with the MA in Industrial Design. Previously she graduated from the University of Cyprus with the Diploma of Architecture Engineering and the BA in Architectural studies.
Through her studies and practice she developed a keen interest in strategic, user centred design and human interactions in the context of the urban environment.
​Her work ranges from architectural and urban design  to service, package and user experience design. Her research is mostly focused in the social meaning of design and the concept of active tourism is different scales. Her thesis project "Think tanks:Rethink tourism in which she proposed the regeneration of the ex-refinery area in Larnaca has received the first prize in CY-ARCH for the urban design projects competition and has been selected as one of the 3 best diploma projects in the Department of Architecture of the University of Cyprus the year she graduated.

 As a supporter of the opinion that Design is the reflection of our society, she always tries to find inspiration through experiencing and interacting with different cultures and people. She has volunteered in various projects and training courses related to social innovation as a  member of one of the biggest NGO in Cyprus and participated in many design workshops around Europe over the past five years. 


The video "My Superself" was used as an introduction of myself to Central Saint Martins.  The purpose of the video is to present how important I believe team work is in the field of design but also being informed about what is happening in the design world in order to  use what already exists and move into new, innovative ideas. Myself is presented as a small lighthouse in the sea that starts to give light for a new idea. Each lighthouse/designer that is attracted, brings a little more light in the sea(design field). In the end all the lighthouses are synchronised and together brighten up the water as it gets darker. 


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All rights reserved. Any duplication or redistribution as a whole or in parts requires written permission of Stella Taousiani. © 2019 by Stella Taousiani

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